Tuesday, June 10, 2008


What the hell is wrong with me? lol
So I figured I would start this blog to somewhat document the new things happening in my life.
So for those who either dont know me that well or have been hiding under a rock, I'll give you a quick history lesson. Im 26 years old, live in Calgary, engaged to the greatest man in the world Stacey, who I love more then anything. We are moving to Vancouver at the beginning of August as I will be going to school at Vancouver Film School. Im taking Entertainment Business Management, not film. This past year and a half has been one of the hardest in my life, but also one of the best. I have been attacked, in 2 car accidents, lost one of the most important people in my life ; my Grandmother, and lost what I thought was the most important friendship to me. All in all through all that, I was able to find my long lost love, apply for school, and now I'm planning on moving to my favorite city in the whole world. I have only recently been able to see the positive things happening to me. I have been so blinded with grief, anger, despari, and pain.
So Im trying to just keep thinking positive so the good things will keep happening.

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