Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So I start school in 6 days. Im super nervous and kind of scared. Im sure I'll be fine but I think its just first day of school jitters. So today my stupid shoulder has been killing me. Im hoping its not going to be an issue once I start school. I finally started on the attack of dealing with the bedroom and the mass amount of boxes of clothes. I HAVE TO MANY!!!! I think Im a bit of a pack rat. I have like 6 boxes of clothes and maybe 2 boxes worth of what I wear. Why am I keeping all that other stuff. Heres some of my excuses."I'll fit in it again" "I dont get to wear it that many times" " It WAS cute" "I might need it" seriously I know there are lame. So I think some one should sign me up for that what not to wear show. lol. But Im going to finish unpacking everything and then do a huge purge. Maybe it will be healthly. But I'll tell you this, next move I am not bringing all of that crap with me again.

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